The pre-school department is for children of 5–6 years of age undergoing education according to additional educational programs in the field of art.
The program includes group solfeggio and rhythmics lessons, as well as individual lessons according to chosen specialty: piano, violin, cello, harp, wind or percussion instruments.
With the help of experienced teachers the children develop sense of pitch, memory, sense of rhythm, learn musical notation and make their first steps in the world of playing a musical instrument. These classes help them to prepare for the admission to grade 1.
Pre-school group education is carried out 2 times a week on a paid basis.
Admission conditions: through competition in the form of auditions-interviews showing the presence of sense of pitch, memory, and sense of rhythm in the child.
Dates of admission: April-May, additional admission in September is possible (the exact admission dates are announced additionally).